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Visitor Experience

According to the Charitable Giving Report, online giving in 2021 grew 9% year over year in the United States. Given these numbers, consider the opportunity a website brings you: an interested visitor looking for additional information about your organization or looking to support you in some way. Read on to learn how you can use your website to encourage your constituents.

Best Practices

Your website should lead visitors through your objectives by being clear and concise. This can be in the form of a donation, newsletter sign-up, or volunteer form. From putting the most important information up and center, to crafting the perfect donation form call to action, consider these best practices to enhance your visitor experience:

Make the homepage impactful on arrival. Your homepage is your make-or-break opportunity, especially for visitors who aren’t familiar with your organization. Give them a reason to care, and give them options to learn more and donate.

Use effective CTAs (Calls-to-Action) and simplify forms. Highlight what you want users to do with a clear CTA. This could be in the form of a button, but even linked text beyond “Click Here” can go a long way. You should also make the initial forms on your website as simple as possible. Longer forms will lose users , and your goal is to convert users first and foremost. Continue to build the relationship and you’ll be able to gather more information.

Each page should have a goal. Reduce the clutter of your website by keeping only the pages that are useful in forwarding your overall mission. Each page should have a goal, whether it’s to convey information about and humanize your board or share the latest events for your organization. Every page should have a purpose and they should work together to show the full picture of your organization and mission.

Make sure the website is accessible. Often overlooked, it’s crucial to make sure your website is accessible to everyone regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Ensuring images have alt text, having good page structure, and being thoughtful about color are some of the ways you can ensure that your website is accessible.
