How not-for-profits in the UK are using data and CRM to improve fundraising and further their missions
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Data and how not-for-profits use it was one of the most talked about issues in the third sector in 2013. The rise of online fundraising and social networking has dramatically changed the data landscape for a majority of not-for-profits. They can now see exactly when people donate, how they do it and how much. Not-for-profits know whether people want to receive information about their cause, the format they want it in and what they are likely to do with it once this information arrives. Not-for-profits know who their biggest online supporters are and how those supporters use their influence within their own online networks.
Partnering with research consultancy nfpSynergy, Blackbaud Europe’s Data-Driven Fundraising Report sought to explore these issues and more by looking at the CRM systems not-for-profits are using to manage data and ascertaining just how important CRM and data are perceived to be within not-for-profits.