npEXPERTS 2016: Philanthropy by the Numbers

The Story Behind the Stats

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Donors today want to be in the driver’s seat. They want you to tug at their heartstrings while providing transparency, engagement, and meaningful outcomes. As the sector has seen before, trends in donor stewardship follow the marketplace. This is the rise of donor-ism.

As a fundraiser today, no doubt you’ve heard of the concepts covered in this eBook. But how can you grow your base, your funding, or your mission impact if you find yourself steadfast in the proverbial “this is the way we’ve always done it” mentality?

Inside these pages the best and brightest minds in philanthropy speak up about what’s happening in the sector today and how these trends are shaping the future. Page by page, they get down to the nitty gritty to reveal the full story behind what they’re seeing in nonprofit leadership, sector diversity, peer-to-peer, advocacy, and more.