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From fundraising to mission delivery, organizations have endured extraordinary challenges from the financial crisis that has yet to subside. Although the first half of 2013 showed signs of improvement in the broader economy, high unemployment and stagnant wages continue to stress household budgets – leaving not-for-profits in the UK and Ireland to wonder if this year’s donation levels will recover from 2012’s decline.
To gauge levels of optimism, help not-for-profits benchmark their own forecasts, and report on some of the key management strategies not-for-profit leaders are using, Blackbaud has annually conducted the State of the Not-for-profit Industry (SONI) Survey since 2004. The SONI Survey has traditionally uncovered the degree to which not-for-profits anticipate changes in their organizations from year to year. In 2012, the Survey was revised to directly address key trends.
This year’s survey provides insight from UK and Irish not-for-profits on topics related to: