Privacy Toolkit

The Introductory Guide to Safeguarding Your Constituent Data

Changes in privacy legislation could be on the horizon. Are you prepared?

Today’s social good organizations confront savvier, more skeptical constituents that are increasingly critical of where, how, and for what purposes their information is used. The emergence of new privacy legislation and developing technologies like predictive intelligence continually remind organizations that they must meet their constituents where they are.

In this toolkit, you’ll find curated insights to help you evaluate the state of your organization’s privacy framework. By proactively implementing best practices in privacy and security, you can not only enhance your organization’s risk management, but also bolster constituent relationships.

Start reading to access:

  • Best practices in guarding programmatic, marketing, and fundraising data
  • Insights into current and emerging privacy legislation in the United States and beyond
  • Secure methods for managing your organization’s aging and usable data

By integrating some of these recommendations and supporting your organization’s culture of privacy, you can ensure that your team is prepared for the changes that lie ahead. Download the toolkit to get started.